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Queens of the Road

1981 · 19m

1981; picture and sound; 19 minutes

In 1980 I moved from Ottawa to Vancouver, to attend graduate school in the Department of Communications at Simon Fraser University. My best bud Brenda Longfellow and I drove out together in a little red Datsun I had bought for a hundred dollars. We were both interested in making films but had nothing in the way of film equipment. On our road trip we took photos with our cameras and recorded ourselves on a cassette tape recorder, and the next year I put this together in my department’s editing suite. Brenda went on to have a fabulous career in film. The next year Brenda organized a month-long film course at Studio D in Montreal. I attended, and got my start.

I’m including Queens of the Road because it’s the first piece I ever made, and because I love Brenda and miss our youth.